All down hill
When I created this web site, I was hoping someone somewhere from some corners of the world would read my stuff, share my feelings, be touched, fall in love with me and write to me. No, no one has written to me. And I am afraid no one has ever viewed this site. The fear of aging is the loss of hope. The neck is not stiff enough to withstand reality. What has been imagined for 30 years in vain will never come true - if it has not for 30 years, why shall it? What has been tried in failure for 30 years will never be achieved. “Life is all down hill after 30,” a tourist on the second last day of his 29th year told a whore who declared herself 31, “and you are down there already. I don’t mean no offence.” Life is like the World Cup or European Cup. Before 30 it is the group stage. Every team is given three games and who can or cannot get into the next round may not be known until the last match. Only half of the teams are into the knockout stage which kick out one half each round. 8, 4, 2, 1. When the final match is held, N-2 teams are watching it at home, like millions of miserable cast-aways read about Li Ka-shing’s new romance from the gossip papers. There is no rebound after 30.
Sam Mok